Christian Elementary School

Christian Elementary School Curriculum
In addition to core subjects such as mathematics, science, and social studies, the Christian elementary school at Immanuel Lutheran School offers instruction in Bible, technology, music, art, and physical education for all elementary school students. Students are also engaged in reading, writing, spelling, and grammar skills on a daily basis.
Using differentiated instruction, teachers design whole and small group activities to address varying student strengths, needs, and interests while meeting state standards of education for each grade level. In our classrooms, the main focus continues to be the learning needs of all students.
You can learn more about the enrollment by clicking here.
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Elementary Class Highlights
•. Comprehensive phonics program
• Explore the writing process through various genres
• Small group discussion, creative playtime, art, PE, and show and share are utilized to enhance learning
• 100th Day of School, Dr. Seuss Week, and Polar Express Day activities
• Variety of activities utilized to learn math, science, social studies, language arts, and religion
•. Building knowledge of basic Bible stories and recognizing Jesus’ love for each student (John 3:16)
First Grade
• Major emphasis placed on skill development and independence in core areas of reading, phonics, writing, and math
• Develop a report about our community and great community helpers
• Practice becoming "scientists" by using the five senses, inquiry skills, and many other tools
• Explore animals, plants, and habitats
• Weekly classes in music, art, physical education, and beginning computer skills
•. Growth in knowing who Jesus is and how much He loves all people (1 John 4:10)
Second Grade
• Introduction of algebraic terms
• Step Up To Writing implemented to produce proficient readers and writers
• Explore botany, ecology, and the solar system
• Study how America gained freedom from England and what life was like for the Pilgrims
• Learn how to use faith in everyday interactions with friends and family (Matthew 5:16)

Third Grade
• Differentiated and adaptive approaches to math and reading
• Investigate communities and consider how that helps shape identity and creates an appreciation of the world around us
• Conduct hands-on and interactive science experiments
• Grow in academics and in faith – strengthen our witness to be in the world but not of the world (John 17:16) as we share Jesus with others
Fourth Grade
• Study poetry and create a book of original poems
• Online science labs and hands-on science activities
• Emphasize transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn”
• Collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills are deepened
• Beginning use of Chromebooks for research, extended learning, writing papers, collaborating on projects, and creating presentations
•. Strengthening personal faith and increased focus on sharing what we believe (Matt. 28:18-20)
Fifth Grade
• Learn about American history through building a three-dimensional model of a colonial township
• Prepare for middle school by focusing on organizational skills such as using a planner, and balancing family life, school, and extracurricular activities
• Work toward positive problem solving skills and communication with peers
•. Increased use of Chromebooks for research, extended learning, and skills needed for successful transitioning to middle school
•. Building on our faith background to be able to stand firm in the world (Philippians 4:1)

Living Out Our Faith as a Christian Elementary School

All students participate in weekly chapel services. Offerings are given to a selected monthly chapel project and have included Life Choices Pregnancy Center, House of Neighborly Service, Samaritan's Purse and more. Often our students create and write thank you notes to acknowledge special service to our school.
At Christmas time, many classes collect gifts for needy, Loveland-area families. Our church and school prepares shoe boxes that share the love of Jesus to children around the world through Operation Christmas Child.
Ready to find out more?
Reach out today for more information!

4650 Sunview Drive
Loveland, CO 80538
(On the corner of Highway 287 and 50th Street)
School Office Hours
School year office hours:
Monday through Friday from 8am-4pm.
Summer school office hours:
Monday through Thursday from 9am-3pm. Closed Friday.
School Hours
Preschool: Terrific Threes: 8:15am-11am, Tues. & Thurs.
Fantastic Fours: 8:15am-11am, Mon., Wed., & Fri.
Fabulous Fives: 12:15pm-3pm, Mon., Tues., & Thurs.; 11:30am-2pm, Wed.
Elementary & Middle School: Grades K-8: 8:15am-3:15pm, Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri.; 8:15am-2:15pm, Wed.
High School: Hybrid Model, Wednesdays 8:30am-10:30am Required In-Person
Find us on social media!
Phone: (970) 667-7606
Fax: (970) 624-3422